Ditching the disposables

Does it bother you that so many single use plastic/non plastic packaging are being thrown away?
Do you seriously believe you have done your part if you recycle them?
Well I believe in #reduce and #reuse more than recycle now. My faith in those blue bins is at a all time low based on how the cleaners handle the content and seriously how much of those contaminated recyclables ended up being recycled? I suspect I have been wasting time and water in cleaning out those plastic containers and bottles all this while.
But I know it's almost impossible to avoid #singleuse packaging at this moment. Yes there are more choices for consumers to buy un-packaged stuff but that is still not a norm. Frankly it takes time and effort to travel to that 1 eco shop every now and then. Travelling out of your hood to those stores involves carbon foot print too..am I wrong?
So what can everyone do now?
🐾 Avoid buying items with unnecessary packaging.
Do you really need that free gift that's wrapped in plastic around the item that's also already wrapped in plastic or box? Trust me..most of the time the free gift will also end up as trash someday. Do not confuse needs with wants.
Items that come with fanciful packaging? Yes they are attractive but I think the manufacturers also pass the cost to us. Let's stop judging the quality of an item based on their packaging. Read the ingredient list. My rule of thumb? The shorter the list, the better. And if you don't understand or know what the ingredients are, it's probably time to give it a miss for the sake of your health.
🐾 Use the single use packaging to bag your rubbish.
Rice bags, bread bags, cereal boxes, foil bags for food stuff and snacks, toilet roll plastic wrap, vegetable plastic bags. Just be gentle when you remove the packaging from the items and it will be good enough to hold your rubbish. If there are ventilation holes? Just get a bit of adhesive take and seal them up? If we can't avoid them, let's at least give them a second life? 😉
🐾 Look for better alternatives.
E.g. using cold process soap bars instead of liquid soaps or cleansers that comes in plastic bottles or refill packs. [I'm doing some advertising for @soaplay.sg here! 😝😝]
Consumers do have a voice. If there is enough pressure from consumers, manufacturers will change their business practices for the better. I think by now most readers would have left me but if you are still here, thank you! I've got so much more to share but I think it's enough for this post. I really hope I'm not alone in this journey.

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