Bagging With Paper Bags

I'm sure alot of people will agree with me that plastic bags are useful while paper bags are relatively not when it comes to lining bins. It's not water proof and hence can only be used to keep dry trash. The stiff paper structure also makes it cumbersome to line the bin properly and how do I even tie it up before trashing the bag down the chute? 

Hence I tend to just 'hoard' paper bags telling myself that one day, I will need it or can use it again. That day usually won't happen while at the same time, the paper bags just pile up. 

As I've been consciously refusing plastic bags at supermarts and any other day to day shopping, my supply of plastic bags dwindled down to the last few precious bags. So precious, I reminded myself. It has to be for emergency use ONLY.

So now I turned to the pile of paper bags I have. For paper bags with strong steady structure, I will use the bag to keep trash as it is. I dun even try to fit it into my bin. For slightly filmsy paper bags (like those from PRIME), its is actually quite easy to fit them into bins. You can use a few layers of newspaper/magazine/flyers to line the bottom which will help to absorb liquid waste (if any). Of course you should try to avoid pouring leftover soup into such paper bag bins yeah? 

When it's time to throw it down the chute, I'll fold and close the opening with rescued tapes. You can also just seal it up with stapleless staple. 

Quite a bit of effort but this is another way to reuse existing resources. So before you head to the shelves to buy trash bags, peel your eyes and look for all these free resources probably sitting around in your house. 

Let me know if you have other ideas?  :>

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